Money Earned from Garbage: How to Make Money on Recycling?

Not all trash is equally useful for an aspiring entrepreneur. This is due to changes in legislation in recent years. Only the regional operator has the right to collect, remove and dispose of solid municipal waste. This includes food waste, spoiled things — everything that appeared in the process of satisfying personal and domestic needs. If something like this ends up in the trash bin of a company or individual entrepreneur, it is also considered solid municipal waste.

The regional operator — one or more — is selected by the authorities of the entity on a competitive basis for a period of up to 10 years. In theory, you can start your own company, participate in a competition, win it, and provide yourself with a job for the next few years. In this case, you will receive the right to haul off, sort, and dispose of waste. In practice, it is better to evaluate your strengths critically. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur with no connections, you have few chances of winning a competition. However, optimists full of enthusiasm can try. read more