What Are Biodegradable Polymers, and Why Should They Be Used?

A radical solution to the problem of polymer waste, according to some experts, is the creation of biodegradable polymers that decompose into substances harmless to animate and inanimate nature. First, polymers were created to withstand environmental influences. Nowadays, the concept has changed: now we need polymers that maintain working characteristics during their usage period (consumption) and then undergo transformations under the influence of environmental factors and are included in the natural process of exchange. read more

Stages and Methods of Recycling Plastic Waste

Currently, the problem of recycling polymer waste materials is becoming relevant not only due to environmental protection but also due to the shortage of polymer raw materials. From 1 kg of waste (polyethylene terephthalate, polypropylene, low-density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene), 0.8 kg of secondary raw materials are obtained. The popularity of plastic is explained by its lightness, economy, ease of use. Also, the production of plastic requires 21% less energy than the production of glass. read more